The Difference
When a disaster strikes there are many problems…..
……Your Peace of Mind does not have to be one of them
Our reconstruction skills are recognized and awarded by industry experts, but more importantly our clients give us testimonials about our work and their peace of mind.
Throughout the reconstruction process we will guide you and be available. Shown below are some of the items that are commonly needed in a reconstruction, with brief explanations.

After a fire, you may have to move out of your home or business to allow the work to be done. Boarding the windows, getting temporary housing, getting animals boarded, and a dozen other needs occur and we will meet those needs.

Water and household cleaners spread the oil that is the base of the smoke. Home water vacs cannot handle mud and debris. Professional Properties has the tools needed. Cleaning up after fire or water damage is truly better handled by professionals

The Professional Properties representative will answer your questions, provide guidance, and make the process as easy as possible for you. We have done this many times, and know what steps you need to focus on at each point.

Dealing with your insurance company will be important to you, and we will help by providing all the estimates and completed work reports they need.

We have an in-house design service that will help you take advantage of thereconstruction process. Now is a great time for upgrades. Your insurance company has set the limits of your policy, they do not limit improving your home.Even if you have no disaster you may want to consult us about upgrades that allow for aging at home.

The basement leaked, the sump pump failed, water from fire hoses got under the wallpaper–for a thousand different reasons your house developed mold. We can get rid of it before your health suffers. Mold is dangerous and we have the necessary bio-hazard skills to remove it.

We will inventory, pack, and store your contents until your home or office is ready. We will have a storage company wrap and move your pieces to our storage facilities.

Your work clothes, your children’s school uniforms, and your daughter’s prom dress are all needed now. We have emergency dry cleaning.

We can bring your household content to our facilities for cleaning. Some pieces of furniture need to be cleaned, some may need to be replaced. We will discuss these two options with you. Cleaning may allow you to save that piece that has sentimental value.